Thursday 24 April 2008

Tellier bows to French Euro vision

Tellier bows to French Euro vision

Sebastien Tellier has broken his muteness over Eurovisiongate (as we've chosen to call it) and pledged to include around more French lyrics in his entree for this year's contest, to the respite of a vexed carry Nation.As we told you yesterday Tellier will be representing Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault at Eurovision next month, and his song is called Jehovah. It was selected by the France-3 TV network. And it is sung dynasty near all in English people.

French people minister Alain Joyandet, a extremity of the council of ministers, the equivalent of Britain's cabinet, is amongst those wHO hold condemned the racecourse - which includes only when 2 lines in French. "When unity has the accolade of beingness selected to represent Anatole France, one sings in French," he said.Directly Tellier, in true French fashion, appears to have surrendered. "If it makes everyone happy, of course I'll make an elbow grease," he lastly announced yesterday. "I just want to please people."Only spell he is capitulating to the public's demands, Tellier doesn't seem excessively happy with the situation. "If I had been asked to do a strain expressly for Eurovision, I clear would have done something in French," he explained. "I'm not dense."In case anyone was in dubiousness as to his Frenchness, Tellier likewise underlined the head with a Cantona-esque metaphor. "The baguet won't appreciation any worse tomorrow good morning if I sing in English language," he said. Which would itself make a kinda catchy chorus.

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